18 December 2013

EU disappointed by new Ship Recycling Regulation:

Eight European countries have expressed their disappointment at the new EU Ship Recycling Regulation set to enter into force later this month.

Germany, France, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden met to discuss the future of their industry at the first green ship recycling conference organised by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform.

During the meeting, the ship recyclers and the NGO said they were disappointed with the new Regulation, which only covers the clean and safe recycling of EU-flagged ships. Most end-of-life vessels are registered under non-EU flags and it is expected that the new Regulation will provide a further incentive to flag out.

Ingvild Jenssen, policy advisor, NGO Shipbreaking Platform, said: “European ship recyclers exist and are willing to take in a much larger share of the global end-of-life fleet.”

“For years the shipping industry and European Commission have been repeating that there is not enough clean and safe ship recycling capacity in Europe, and that ship owners have no choice but to sell their end-of-life vessels to dangerous beach-breaking yards in South Asia,” she added.

Facilities around the world that satisfy a list of requirements outlined by the new Regulation will be approved and listed by the European Commission. EU flagged end-of-life ships will only be allowed to use these facilities.

The EU countries say they fear they may not be able to compete with recycling facilities worldwide without EU support and will not be able to attract more business for ship recycling without a financial incentive.

The new Regulation will be fully applicable sometime between 2015 and 2019.

Source: maritime journal.  17 December 2013

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